Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I love all of the new improvements! I am also a student at UT, but am honestly kind of afraid of the bus system because the first time I ever used it I found myself on a bus going the completely opposite direction I needed to go, the right bus rout, but I ended up spending 2 hours on a bus that went all over Austin.... oops. Anyway, I have only used the bus a handful of time since then because it takes forever to get from point A to point B and I just don't have time for that. With that being said, I think it would be super helpful and cost efficient for me to use the bus more if it took less time to get where I needed to go because I live pretty far off campus and gas prices are rough right now, so I would save a lot of money if I had the time to utilize the bus system on a more consistent basis. I am super excited for the changes you have talked about in your article and will definitely be using the bus more when they are finalized and put in place!

Friday, August 9, 2013

What is Murder and is it Personal?

Texas has, and continues to be the number one leading state in support of the death penalty. The recent milestone mark of the 500th execution in Texas has given rise to discussions on what kinds of people typically get the death penalty and even who is on death row. Out of the 500 people who have been put to death by a lethal injection, around 40 percent of them have been black. We would love to say that Texas is no longer a highly racial state, but looking at these statistics would make one argue other wise. As I see it, this poses two problems.

 First, if people are given the death penalty for murdering people (for the most part), why is it okay to murder them per say? Do two wrongs really ever make a right? I know that in situations where people are given the death penalty as punishment for murdering someone else seems like simply giving them what they deserve, but if everyone always got what they deserved what would this world be? Would anyone be alive?

Secondly, is our system of government with regard to the death penalty consistent? If it truly is consistent, which honestly I cant fathom to be the case, then why is there such a high percentage of blacks given the death penalty and put on death row? If we really do have a good, consistent way of deciding weather to murder someone because of their actions or not, and blacks truly do deserve to be murdered more often than whites do, then shouldn't we be concerned with why blacks are so violent as a whole? Shouldn't we be digging deeper and trying to focus on the overarching issue of why the black population seems to be more troubled than other groups do, and try to fix that instead of just killing them all the time?