Friday, July 19, 2013

Feminine Care Products

Eileen Smith is a young editor of  the IN THE PINK blog where she uses fiery whit to discuss popular Texas politics. In her recent article  "Is it Because They're on Their Periods?" posted on July 12th she talks about women being turned away from the gallery during the House Bill 2 debate if they were carrying "concealed tampons and pads." Eileen states that women with such products were either on their period (which just creates a mess in itself), or must have been planning to use the products to do some major damage to the people on the opposing side of the argument. According to Smith, the feminine care products could have been used to throw hard plastic tampons at people who disagree with them, or even stuff pads down their throats. Through her hilariously vivd description of menstruating women becoming an angry mob, Eileen Smith really addresses the point of how ridiculous House Bill 2 has gotten. Just as Smith addresses, I also agree that the hype around HB2 has become very out of hand.

I personally feel as if people on both sides of this piece of legislation have lost the perspective of what this bill is really all about. While I do agree that women should not be allowed to throw tampons at anyone no matter what side they are on, I also think that everyone is, as stated in our constitution, granted the right of speech. So many people have gotten so caught up in the heat of the moment that they are beginning to forget what they are really fighting for. I believe that no matter what our opinions are and what stance we take on any piece of legislation being submitted is, we should always remember that we are all Americans. We are all united by where we live and the freedoms we are given by being citizens not only in America, but as Texans. That being said, I think that we should always remember to be respectful to all parties involved even if we do not agree with who they are or what they stand for. Respect and loyalty to one another for being both Americans and Texans will ultimately get us a lot further than being rude and arrogant will ever get us.

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